Twice-Exceptional (2E) Resources

Welcome! SEPTA’s first Underserved Population advocacy committee is for parents of Twice Exceptional students. Twice Exceptional (2e) students are those who have intellectual or creative gifts, but who also have one or more disabilities. Twice Exceptional students are sometimes difficult to identify, and require special educational support for both their gifts and their disabilities. 

If you would like to join SEPTA’s 2E Committee, please e-mail the committee at

Join in the 2E conversation on our Facebook Group – FCPS 2E Group. Please make sure to answer all of the membership questions, or your request will not be approved!

The Virginia Department of Education and Fairfax County Public Schools have issued Guidance documents for educational issues that arise with 2e students. 

Legal Guidance for Twice Exceptional students and students with disabilities receiving education in Inclusive settings.